Stoneburner – The Mouse Tour 2016

STONEBURNER: The Mouse Tour 2016
3.26 QXTs, Newark NJ
3.31 Low Beat, Albany NY
w Doomsday Virus/ Sirenne
4.1 Nocturne, Toronto ON
4.2 Brighton Music Hall, Boston MA
4.3 WZBC 90.3FM, Boston MA
time TBA
4.6 Howler’s Coyote Cafe, Pittsburgh PA
w White Shadow/ Servitor/ Terror Firma Sky
4.8 LiveWire Lounge, Chicago IL
w Torrent Vaccine/ Espermachine
4.9 Revolt @ Tapouts, Cincinnati OH
w Hexadiode/ Dark Machine Nation
4.10 The Local/ Club Anything, Milwaukee WI
w am.psych/ Subspace
4.11 The Saloon, Minneapolis MN
4.15 Mechanismus @ Highline, Seattle WA
*Industrial Music Awards
4.16 Lovecraft Bar, Portland OR
w Aedifice
4.19 Complex, Los Angeles CA
4.23 Elysium, Austin TX
opening for SNOG/ Labrynth
4.29 Splash Nightclub (Upstairs), Baton Rouge LA
4.30 Sanctuary @ 926, Tallahassee FL
5.1 Hourglass, Jacksonville FL
*SB w ::Hopeful Machines::
5.2 Legends, Raleigh NC
5.4 Famous Pub, Atlanta GA
w Die Sektor/ Finite Automata/ Zy_gote
5.5 Fallout, Richmond VA
*::Hopeful Machines:: (Not SB) w Servitor
5.6 IX Art Park, Charlottesville VA
5.7 Spellbound, Washington DC
w Servitor